A Tribute to Colin Carpenter

Colin Carpenter (08/02/1947 – 05/08/2024).

Clients will be sad to hear that Colin has passed away after a battle with Cancer.

Colin joined Rosemount as a self-employed consultant in 1993 and formed a great working relationship with all at the firm.

He quickly became an important part of the advising team, he had a brilliant relationship with his client’s helping them build their pensions and investment portfolios.

He was in the Financial Services Industry virtually all of his working life and as regulation developed, our industry evolved, and more examinations became the base level requirement he managed
to keep himself relevant in that ever changing environment

After the Financial Services Act brought the requirement for those advising the public to be qualified Colin passed the initial exam requirements and was able to continue working and advising when many chose to give up.

The Retail Distribution Review followed and in 2011 as the examination requirements toughened to degree level qualifications, he decided to hang up his advising boots and moved into more of a client management role, maintaining his contact with clients and working with us to develop clients.

Colin fully retired in 2019 to spend time with his family.

He was an excellent golfer and competed at Junior team level for Romford Golf Club taking part in the winning team in 2000.

There is no doubt that Colin lived life to the full and was passionate about everything particularly his family. When his daughter Elly started school at Corbets Tey he became very active in helping the school, was the one person responsible for bringing together the group of people that have raised so much money for the school over the past 20 years. When you add everything together over the years the people that Colin has introduced to the school, I am certain that the projects funded over the years must easily pass the £1,000,000 mark. This helped transform the school from a place the local authority did not want to see thrive into one of the leading specialist schools in the region. Colin’s role in bringing the friends of Corbets Tey together will never be forgotten by those people.

He will be missed by all that knew him and those that received the benefit of his advice and guidance over the many years of his career.

We send our heartfelt condolences to all his family.

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